The Galley Proof Test Design of Friction and Wear Performance for Clutch Friction Material 离合器摩擦材料摩擦磨损性能小样试验的设计
A stamp mark on the hose shall certify that this hose passed the proof test and shall allow identifying the proof test operator. 软管上的冲印标志应证明此软管已通过耐压试验并允许表明耐压试验操作员的身份。
Mechanical properties of fasteners& Cone proof load test on nuts GB/T3098.12-1996紧固件机械性能螺母锥形保证载荷试验
The knowledge base is one of key parts of engineering structure CAD system. In knowledge base case knowledge and experience knowledge are used to infer initial answer and standard knowledge is used to proof test design result. 知识库设计是工程结构CAD系统的核心问题之一,知识库的实例知识和经验知识是获得初始解的重要依据,规范知识是设计结果的必要约束。
According to proof test, the error is lower than 2 MPa when producing middle, low grade recycled concrete with another recycled aggregate. 通过验证试验,得出使用不同的再生骨料配制中低强度再生混凝土时偏差在2MPa以内。
Measurement of Welding Residual Stress and Proof Test Stress in Hydrocracker 加氢裂化反应器的焊接残余应力和水压试验应力测试
Proof test of strength criteria 强度准则的验证实验
The effect of proof test on the fatigue strength and lifetime of soda lime glass specimens is studied. 研究了保证试验对钙钠玻璃的循环疲劳强度及寿命的影响。
Error Analysis of Routine Proof Test for Apply Universally Arc Welding Power Source Testboard 通用弧焊电源测试台定期校验的误差分析
A Proof Test of Cell-Dendrite Transition Theory 胞晶&枝晶转变理论的实验验证
The proof test of cotton fibre is the foundation for determining the specifications and the structure of spinning machine's components, and is also the base of spin technics designing. It affects much on both quality and quantity of finished fiber products. 棉纺织的纤维检验是确定纺纱机工艺部件规格、结构以及纺纱工艺设计的依据,对成纱的产品质量影响较大。
Considering the complexity of source of systematical error, a new model is given in this paper: the mixing adjustment model with additional systematical parameters, the adjustment formula and the statistic for proof test are also given. 考虑到系统误差源的复杂性,文中提出了一种附加系统参数的混合平差模型,导出了平差公式和假设检验统计量。
In the paper, based on measuring dynamic stress of spring plank by 120Km/ h proof test, the rainflow of stress counting was done. And then the stress spectra was done through simple grouping; 本文通过120Km/h环行线可靠性试验全程实测,得到弹簧托板薄弱部位动应力时间历程,对其进行雨流计数后,通过简单分组得到其应力谱;
Numerical Simulation and Proof Test on Plane Dual-jets in Confined Space 有限空间双孔平面射流的数值模拟及试验验证
To test scheme of proof test of reliability on the micro-pressure dynamic transducer has been utility design. The reliability performance was calculated by the observed result of lifetime test, its level of reliability performance MTBF is verified. 对动态微压力传感器可靠性验证试验方案进行了实用设计,用寿命试验的观察结果对可靠性指标进行计算,以验证其可靠性指标MTBF达到的水平。
This paper summarizes the research achievements of both western monetary demand theory and current Chinese monetary demand, puts forward the Chinese monetary demand function since the mid 1990s, and applies the analysis of coordination and the model of error rectification to make a substantial proof test. 在综述了西方货币需求理论研究的成果和目前中国货币需求研究的成果基础上,提出了90年代中期以来中国的货币需求函数,并运用协整分析和误差校正模型进行了实证检验。
Probe Into the Way of Site Proof Test of Transformation Ratio of Transformer 互感器变比现场校验方法的探讨
Structure damage dynamic monitoring is one of the important measures to assure the structure safe in operation and the proof test performed smooth. 结构的动态损伤监控是保证结构运行安全、保证结构试验顺利进行的重要措施之一。
And a new compensation method of the synthesis error of on line measurement of the image sensor signal is given by proof test and theoretic analysis of the major factors which resulted in the errors. 通过对误差因素的实验验证和理论分析,给出一种适用的图像信号的综合误差补偿方法。
Abrasion Proof Performance Test on Compound Material Shaft Guide in Mine Shaft 立井复合材料罐道的耐磨损性能试验
Proof test with water pressure could greatly reduce the failure probability of pipelines in service. 利用水压试验方法可以明显地降低管道在运行时的断裂失效概率。
The Analysis of the Electric Shock Proof Test for the Applied Electronic Products 电子应用产品的防电击试验浅析
According to the pressure proof intensity test research, this concrete is testified to be more advantages than high intension and little concrete dosage. 通过对其抗压强度的实验研究,证明干硬性混凝土具有高强度、水泥用量少等特性。
It is showed by proof test and performance test that comprehensive performance of the inner wall powder coating is superior to NO. 106 coating. 经试用及性能测试表明:研制的环保型耐水内墙粉末涂料的综合性能优于106涂料。
Proof Test of Reliability on the Micro-Pressure Dynamic Transducer 动态微压力传感器可靠性验证
The evolution of endogenous growth theory led to the expansion of the researching spectrum of financial development theory in 1990s. These theories provided precious practice proof test to the developing and changing economy. 尤其是内生增长理论的发展促成了90年代金融发展理论研究范围的扩展。90年代金融发展理论对于发展中经济和转型经济提供许多宝贵的实践检验。
SCM will process the signal by relative computing, and then send it via serial interface to supervisory computer 'carriage rain proof performance test system. 单片机再将该信号通过一定的算法进行处理,然后将该信号通过串口送至上位机的客车防雨密封性能检测系统。
The system is developed from Visual Basic, mainly composed of six modules: bus information, system management, display data, rain proof performance test, user management and system help. 该系统是应用VISUALBASIC开发完成的,主要由有客车信息、系统管理、显示数据、防雨密封性能检测、用户管理和系统帮助六大模块组成。
Rain proof performance test is an important content of integrated carriage performance test, at present, both home and abroad are using the way of rain test. 客车防雨密封性能检测是汽车综合性能检测的重要内容,目前,国内外对客车防雨密封性检测的主要方法是进行淋雨试验。